Process Data
IXM WEB users might need to view processed attendance data for the selected date period whenever there is a change in IXM Time policies and to update the past attendance data as per the change in policy if any.
Screen Layout of Process Data
Field Description of Process Data
From Date:
Enter or select the date starting which you want to process the data.
To Date:
Enter or select the date up to which you want to process the data.
Delete all Overtimes (Approved/Rejected) for selected Employees
Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enable this flag to re-calculate the attendance data for approved or rejected overtime entries for the selected date period.
Recalculate Shift & Schedule
Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enable this flag to calculate the attendance as per the updated shift and schedule assigned to the Employee for the selected date period.
Click on Apply Filter button to filter the report data as per requirement. Following options will be displayed -
Click on + icon on the right side of the screen to create a multilevel condition. You can remove a particular condition by clicking on - icon on its row. You can use AND and OR operators by clicking on their respective buttons on the top. The first column in the list displays the field name. The second column displays the condition and the third column accepts the value of the selected field. Click on OK button to save the Filter condition or Clear Filter button to remove the entered filter condition.
Click on Process button to process the data as per entered selection criteria.